


Also Available in a Signed Set
Sequel to In the Temple of Wolves

Gold Medal: Independent Publisher Book Awards
Finalist: National Indie Excellence Award
Finalist: Next Generation Indie Awards
Honorable Mention: Eric Hoffer Award

"Eminent naturalist and wildlife advocate Rick Lamplugh draws from a deep personal wellspring of experience and knowledge to take readers into Yellowstone’s wild heart." Cristina Eisenberg, PhD, Chief Scientist, Earthwatch Institute 

"Lamplugh is a word artist; Yellowstone is his palette." Julianne Baker, Yellowstone Instructor 

"A touch of Bill Bryson's whimsy, a dose of Edward Abbey's insight, and the story-telling charm of John McPhee." John Gillespie, Geologist

More than 210 Five-Star Reviews!

After living and working for three winters in Yellowstone's Lamar Valley, my wife Mary and I trusted Yellowstone's pull, left the security of our Oregon roots and relocated to Gardiner, at the park's north gate. Deep into Yellowstone takes you along as we cross-country ski, hike, bicycle, and backpack through four seasons of Yellowstone's grandeur. 
Along the way, I explain important controversies: the fight to stop the slaughter of park bison; the truth about the overuse of Yellowstone; the battle to prevent gold mining right on Yellowstone's border; the dispute over hunting park wolves that follow their prey outside the park; the debate about whether wolves help or harm the ecosystem and the local economy; and the outrage over the removal of grizzlies from the endangered species list. 

If you want to visit, learn about, or protect our nation's first national park, Deep into Yellowstone is for you.

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  1. Rick, looking forward to reading your new book. I read In the Temple of Wolves and it was amazing, loved it. Thank you for all you do for our wildlands and wildlife.

  2. I just finished reading this wonderful and eye opening book. Rick takes you to a very compelling and informative trip through Yellowstone. You learn, you live with him those passages and you yearn to learn and help more that delicate ecosystem that is unique in the world and home of so many species that depend on their habitats to survive. There are many things threating Yellowstone and many other threating its wonderful creatures. Read on, you will never see Yellowstone the same. Ilse Kappy

  3. This will truly be a treasure, Rick. Thanks!

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