

Monday, May 21, 2018

Deep into Yellowstone Wins a Gold Medal!

The Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY) aim to identify thought-provoking books that touch lives and stretch imaginations. They showcase the best books throughout North America. IPPY was the first unaffiliated awards program open exclusively to independent, university, and self-published titles. Self-published Deep into Yellowstone won a gold medal as the best non-fiction in the West-Mountain region. I’m honored.

It took a family to produce this book. My wife Mary—in addition to sharing all the mountains, miles, meetings, and moments—helped every step of this book’s way. My daughter Allison Lamplugh, a journalist, read every chapter and provided valuable feedback, edits, and support. My stepson Zack Prucha and daughter-in-law Tara Hana Prucha, both talented designers, created the lovely cover that invites readers in.

During the two years of this project, my friend and fellow meanderthal Leo Leckie reviewed numerous chapters and answered unending questions.

Two editors improved this book. Lill Ahrens, my story editor, has a seemingly innate ability to know how a story should be told. Every story in this book flows better because of her. Kathleen Marusak's skilled line editing made each chapter more readable.

A number of chapters first appeared as feature articles on Yellowstone Reports, a website operated by Nathan Varley and Linda Thurston. I thank them for trusting me to write for their excellent publication.

I sent certain chapters to certain people to make sure that I had the facts and story straight. These helpful readers include: Karen Withrow, Fred Engel, Brenda Papera, Ilona Popper, Bill Ripple, Lisa Morgan, Linda Thurston, Bob Beschta, Kira Cassidy, Dave Chambers, Steve Koehler, and Liz Purdy. Shauna Baron read the entire book, caught a number of errors, and added excellent insights.

I sent pre-publication copies to a number of people who know and love Yellowstone. I thank these talented folks for taking the time to read, comment, and write a blurb: Cristina Eisenberg, Beckie Elgin, Barbara J. Nichols, Jim Halfpenny, MacNeil Lyons, Jenny Golding, John Gillespie, Julianne Baker, Lisa Baril, Nathan Varley, and Michelle Uberuaga.

Thanks, too, to all my friends on social media. Your comments, questions, and encouragement help me see the benefits of advocating and inspire me to write to protect wildlife and preserve wildlands.

Indie author Rick Lamplugh writes to protect wildlife and preserve wild lands. His new bestseller, Deep into Yellowstone, is available signed from Rick, or unsigned on Amazon. 

His other bestseller, In the Temple of Wolves, is available signed, or unsigned.

signed set of both is available with free shipping.

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