

Monday, October 23, 2017

Help Protect Yellowstone National Park from Mining

I hesitate to ask again, but your help is still needed in this battle between those who want to mine on Yellowstone’s border and those who want to protect the park. One of Montana’s senators, Jon Tester, has introduced the Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act (YGPA). This bill would permanently prohibit industrial-sized mining on Yellowstone’s border and in Paradise Valley. The YGPA is supported by the 375 businesses in the Yellowstone Gateway Business Coalition, local lawmakers, the county commissioners, and many residents. 

But Montana’s other Senator, Steve Daines, has been unclear about his support. The YGPA needs his support to pass in the US Senate. While Daines says he wants to permanently protect the park, his lack of action says otherwise. 

Additionally, permanently protecting Yellowstone from the threat of mining requires the support of Greg Gianforte, Montana’s lone representative in the US House. Gianforte says he wants a permanent solution, but has not presented one. 

Since Yellowstone is a NATIONAL park, if you live in the US, your opinion matters on this issue. The action needed is simple and short. 

Please contact one of Senator Daines’ staffers today (contact info below). Tell the staffer that you want Senator Daines to permanently protect Yellowstone from mining. Ask Senator Daines to help pass the Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act now.

Or you could contact one of Representative Gianforte’s staff. Tell his staffer that you want Representative Gianforte to permanently protect Yellowstone from mining. Ask Representative Gianforte to help pass the Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act now.

Thanks for taking the time and effort to help protect Yellowstone.

To contact Senator Daines:

Spenser Merwin (Montana office) 
(406) 549-8198

Meghan Marino (DC office)
(202) 224-2651

To contact Representative Gianforte:

Tom Schultz (Montana Field Representative)
(406) 650-0056 

Tripp McKemey (DC office)
(202) 225-3211  

Indie author Rick Lamplugh writes to protect wildlife and preserve wildlands. His new book, Deep into Yellowstone: A Year’s Immersion in Grandeur and Controversy, is available signed from Rick, or unsigned on Amazon.  His best seller, In the Temple of Wolves, is available signed, or unsigned on Amazon.

Graphic by Greater Yellowstone Coalition​. Thanks, GYC, for your help!

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